Sally Van Nuys - Artist Studio
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Website Design © 2024  High Time Web Design            Images © 2024  Sally Van Nuys, All Rights Reserved



5 Sheets, 27 images


French Receipts

(scanned originals)

6 Sheets, 11 images


Vintage Ladies

7 Sheets, 18 images


Vintage Men

6 sheets, 19 images


Digital Collage Packs 1

Each collage pack is presented in slide show format so you can see the included pages. Just click each page thumbnail. After you complete your purchase, you will be presented with a downloadable PDF file. You can save it and print its pages as many times as you wish. If you are not familiar with downloading a PDF file to your computer, here are some simple instructions to help you.

Copyright © 2022-24, All rights reserved. Sally Van Nuys

 More Collage Packs

Artist Resources

Antique Maps &

Book Covers

9 images


Bits & Bobs - Thrift Shop

8 sheets, 23 images


PayPal: Add Steampunk Digi Pack to cart PayPal: Add Vintage Ladies Digi Pack to cart PayPal: Add Vintage Men Digi Pack to cart PayPal: Add Maps and Covers Digi Pack to cart PayPal: Add Bits and Bobs Digi Pack to cart